At long last, Principal Karen Hitchcock released her recommendations on the Queen's Review of Athletics and Recreation. The initial review was due March 30, 2007; however, it wasn't released until June 27 after Hitchcock spent several months looking over its content. Ultimately, she decided to take until Dec. 31 to accept further input from the Queen's community (many who had already made their views clear to the authors of the review before its release, Drs. Bob Crawford and Janice Deakin). That process wound up stretching out even longer, with Hitchcock stating shortly inside the New Year that it would be issued by the end of January, and then her office issuing a "no comment" after that deadline came and went.
It's nice to see at least one part of this review saga finally come to an end. However, it's a bit disappointing to see that this is essentially again putting off the key decision (whether to cut teams or not, and if so, which ones) for over another year (April 2009). Mike and I will have the complete story on this in tomorrow's Journal, and I'll probably have more about it here thereafter: struggling to get a hold of key people at the moment, though, and the tight deadline pressure means I can't write too much more about this at the moment.
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